By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Franz-Hessel-Preis 2020 – Preisverleihung
March 2021
Stadt und Land – neue Spaltung in den Ländern des Weimarer Dreiecks?
March 2021
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Music, Media, Arts Education 2020
January 2021
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Literaturgespräch „Der Auftrag der Literatur und die Stimme der Literatur für die Nachhaltigkeit“
December 2020
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Diskussion: Kultur und Nachhaltigkeit – ein Widerspruch?
December 2020
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
30 Jahre nach der Einheit – Wohin steuert Deutschland?
November 2020
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Esra Küçük und Prof. Harald Welzer: „Kunst und Kultur auf dem Weg zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung?“
November 2020
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Gespräch mit Jan Jaap Knol, Boekman Foundation, und Norbert Sievers, Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft
November 2020
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Theater des Anthropozän „Requiem für einen Wald“, Dr. Frank M. Raddatz und Ensemble
November 2020
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Künstler und Fotograf Wolfram Hahn führt durch seine Ausstellung "Into the Light"
October 2020
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Cyril Dion: How did the project for a Citizen's Climate Convention come about?
October 2020
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Opening discussion "Kultur und Nachhaltigkeit" 2020 EN