Conference report “Art and Culture make a Difference. On the Role of Arts and Cultural Education in Rural Areas”

The conference report “Art and Culture make a Difference. On the Role of Arts and Cultural Education in Rural Areas” summarises the results of the European online conference held in November 2021. The conference brought together researchers from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s (BMBF) funding line “Arts and Cultural Education in Rural Areas” with participants from relevant areas of research and practice to discuss the role of arts and cultural education in rural areas and future prospects across borders.

The conference online-report “Art and Culture make a Difference. On the Role of Arts and Cultural Education in Rural Areas” summarises the results of the European online conference held in November 2021. It focuses on the role arts and cultural education play in rural areas while they go through challenging transformational processes, such as globalisation, climate crisis and digitisation. Following two keynotes from Germany and Poland, results of research projects from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Funding Programme “Arts and Cultural Education in Rural Areas” are presented. Their findings are discussed with the international audience from more than 40 countries. Finally, panelists from the discussion on the topic of “glocalisation” will have their say on the scope of arts education and cultural learning.

In addition to the written summary, the Zoom video recordings posted on YouTube are linked in the online report, and poet Joelle Taylor's summarizing poem, “Deep Listening”, can be listened to.

Public sponsors: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF); Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM)