By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
L’éveil artistique et culturel en France et en Allemagne [français]
juin 2021
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Europas Umgang mit Sammlungsgut aus kolonialen Kontexten
juin 2021
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Europe’s Evolving Approach to Collection Items from Colonial Contexts
juin 2021
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
L’Europe face à la question des biens de collections issus de contextes coloniaux
juin 2021
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Discussion : Recherche de provenance, restitution, circulation ?
juin 2021
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
The European Green Deal: A Paradigm Shift for Our Economic Model?
juin 2021
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Kernkompetenz Nachbarschaft
mai 2021
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Le voisinage : une compétence-clé
mai 2021
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Kompetencja kluczowa: sąsiedztwo
mai 2021
By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.
Santé Culturelle & Éveil artistique et culturel – Vortrag von Sophie Marinopoulos und Aurélie Lesous