
  • By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.


    Machen Bücher reich? Chancen frühkindlicher Kultureller Bildung zur Armutsprävention

    April 2022
  • By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.


    Expertenforum des Deutsch-französischen Medienspreises/Weltraum und Klima – Deutsche Version

    January 2022
  • By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.


    Forum d’Experts du Grand Prix Franco-Allemand des Médias/Espace et climat – Sous-titres français

    January 2022
  • By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.


    Le monde face aux crises : est-il temps de changer pour un modèle durable ?

    January 2022
  • By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.


    »Europas Energiewende – eine gemeinsame Aufgabe«: Schlüssel zum Erfolg desGreen Deals?

    December 2021
  • By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.


    Welche Rolle für die deutsch-französische Kooperation in der europäischen Klimapolitik?

    December 2021
  • By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.


    « Europe : agir ensemble pour la décarbonation » – La transition énergétique au cœur du Green Deal ?

    December 2021
  • By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.


    Eröffnung des IX. Genshagener Forums und Keynote von Pascal Canfin

    December 2021
  • By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.


    Die Welt aus den Fugen: Zeit für einen nachhaltigen Systemwandel?

    December 2021
  • By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.


    Quel rôle pour la coopération franco-allemande dans la politique climatique européenne ?

    December 2021
  • By clicking on it, they establish a connection to the servers of the service YouTube and the video is played. Data protection information on this in our privacy policy.


    Ouverture du IXème Forum de Genshagen et keynote de Pascal Canfin

    December 2021
  • Audio

    deep listening - Joelle Taylor

    December 2021